International Pressure Ulcer/Injury Prevalence (IPUP/IPIP) Survey™
2025 Survey Dates March 1-31 | Data Submission/Surveys Close Deadline: April 14, 2025
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Helping your facility to measure and benchmark Pressure Ulcer/Injury outcomes
Hospital quality drivers and reimbursement entities have placed a significant emphasis on decreasing pressure injuries as part of a general drive to improve patient safety and reduce avoidable injuries.
In 1989, Hillrom introduced the International Pressure Ulcer/Injury Prevalence (IPUP/IPIP) survey to assess the number and severity of wounds occurring in healthcare facilities.
Today, IPUP/IPIP is one of the largest global running pressure ulcer/injury databases, with over 1,300 facilities participating annually and surveying more than 100,000 patients each year. Acute care, long term care, long term acute care, and rehabilitation organizations around the world volunteer to participate in the data collection process.
IPUP/IPIP provides healthcare facilities with an online/paper data collection process and interactive reporting to help determine your baseline prevalence and measure intervention outcomes. IPUP/IPIP also provides customized facility reports and comparisons to national benchmarks.